Daytona Beach, Florida

(386) 506-8022

3 Office Etiquette Mistakes You’re Making

You’ve Been Warned: Stay Clear of Committing Any of These 3 Office Etiquette Mistakes

If there are three big mistakes nearly all 9-5ers make, these have got to be the top office etiquette missteps most are guilty of. The sad part is, most people think they are actually making a good decision when they commit one of these office blunders.

Take a look and change your ways if you’re guilty of committing one of these cardinal office sins:


1. Checking your email too much. 

Staying on top of your email is an essential when it comes to being a productive member of the office; however, you should limit yourself to 3 times a day to avoid getting sucked-in to frivolous time wasters, unimportant tasks, unproductive tangents, and excess tasks or stimulation. Check your email once in the morning, once around lunch and one last time before the end of the day. Anything else is overkill unless you’re on the lookout for a certain project or reply on its way to your inbox. Steer clear of over-checking your email and you’ll be surprised how much more you can get accomplished in one day.


2. Drinking too much coffee.

Coffee is like crack to some and like kryptonite to others, but regardless of where you stand on the coffee scale – too much caffeine at the workplace is a recipe for disaster and sure to lead to an office etiquette misstep. Studies quoted in Forbes show just how deleterious too many cups of Joe (or too many energy drinks) can be to your mindset at the office and your work productivity:

“Overconsumption of caffeine can cause anxiety, jitters and nervousness. It can also cause an inability to focus, digestive discomfort, insomnia and irritability.”

The same study does state that a normal consumption of caffeine can in fact be helpful; however, for most of us there’s a thin line between our daily dose of coffee vs. enough to single-handedly keep Starbucks in business.


3. Skipping lunch (or breakfast!).

Numerous studies show that skipping a meal is no bueno, and if you’re concerned about how you feel and perform on the job – skipping lunch or breakfast in lieu of meeting a deadline or getting more on your to-do list checked off is going to really hurt you in the end. When you skip meals, your energy takes a blow and your brain is soon to follow and the next thing you know your office etiquette is at a low. Experts report that “Without a steady supply of nutrients, your intellectual and emotional functioning changes.” If you’re having trouble getting a quick hunger fix at the office, check out these 10 office snack ideas (no fridge or microwave needed!)


About Work Webb: Work Webb is an online source of office advice and workplace know-how; however Work Webb is also a shared office solution available to businesses in Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach, Port Orange and surrounding areas. We have private, semi-private and shared offices for rent in a variety of office/workspace rental package options (from one day, to one month, to the foreseeable future), as well as conference rooms and meeting room rentals for traveling businesspeople or remotely operated companies. Our virtual office solutions are just what you’ve been looking for. Contact us today to schedule a tour, or view snapshots of our office space for rent in the photo gallery.


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Derek Gallo

I couldn’t speak more highly of Work Webb. I work remotely as a software engineer and I needed a place to use as an office. Rather than paying more for a private single suite somewhere I can come here and actually interact with others. Internet, conference rooms, desk space, security are all included. Heidi goes out of her way to make the place feel like its yours too.  

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