Daytona Beach, Florida

(386) 506-8022

What is Emotional Culture?

What is Emotional Culture?

Whether you work together with your staff at the same location, have multiple offices across the country or have the ability to work solo from a remote location, creating the culture that enables your team to perform at its highest may not be as easy as just hiring good quality employees.

Emotional Culture is a lesser known piece of today’s work culture, and it is getting more attention these days. Emotional Culture is defined as the culture centered around the effective values of an organization—i.e., feelings, moods, and attitudes—in contrast to the intellectual values that typically make up the traditional corporate culture.

Although technology may be able to cross physical and time-based gaps, the cultural and social gaps — differences in social habits and communication styles — are problems that have yet to be solved.  If not addressed, these gaps open can pose significant performance issues for teams.

When working virtually, ways to be a communicative team member is an even harder nut to crack. Teams must make a point not only to be clear about how they will interact with one another and shift modes when needed but also address the role that their desired mode(s) of communication with each player as this will play in facilitating their way of working.

When working remotely, you aren’t at the luxury of popping in to your coworkers office, or having the insight as to whether “now is a good time”…keeping your status or schedule on your shared calendar (and messaging platform) updated is an easy way to let people easily see when it is OK to break in and “say hello”. We should make space for these moments, because if we were in an office, we would likely be spending 8 percent of our time socializing, according to a workplace study by Gensler (pdf).

If an effort is made to develop empathy among team members, experience random moments of connection, this will build the discipline that is necessary to a successful team.

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