Office Manners When Working in a Shared Office Solution
If you are renting space in an open office or a shared office solution, it may be complicated to maintain a lot of privacy. Also, renting space in a big office, full of people can be incredibly distracting, mainly, if the other tenants are not respectful of the environment around them and cause distractions by their behavior. When working in a shared office solution, it is essential to realize the following so as not to be a distraction to others:
Voice Volume

Loud Phone Conversations can be distracting to others in the office.
In your traditional office environment, you may have your office where you can put your feet up and be as loud as you want while on the phone. But when utilizing a shared office, you must adapt
your volume level to limit distractions and be mindful that others are occupying the same office space as you.

Other tenants may not like to work listening to your playlist. Bring headphones, so you do not disturb anyone.
If you need music to be productive while working in a temp office solution, bring headphones. The odds that an entire room full of strangers will like your music selections are slim to none.
Also, if there is music played by another tenant, and it is distracting, professionally ask them to turn it down.
Refrigerator Rules
Do not assume items in the fridge are fair game. Please, do not be that person. If you want to assume, assume nothing will be provided and bring your drinks and snacks.
A shared office solution is a temporary office, and your co-workers are people you do not know. If you like to massively spray on the perfume or cologne (not judging here, just trying to help), please hold when working in a co-working space. You may just be working near someone that has an allergy to perfumes.
Getting to know your new co-workers is excellent but can become an annoyance if it goes on longer than needed and keeps your new found friend from getting back to work.

Be nice, but do not engage in excessive chit-chat, so you are not a distraction to others.
You may be on vacation and using the office temporarily, but to others, this co-working space may be their central office and have a regular full business day ahead of them.
A Shared Office Solution can help you stay productive while traveling for business or vacation.If you are considering moving your business to a shared office solution, or you frequent a temp office while you travel, keep these tips in mind, so you do not annoy others in the office. Traveling to or live in the Daytona Beach area and need a shared office solution, call us and schedule a tour to see what we have to offer.