Daytona Beach, Florida

(386) 506-8022

Sanitary Measures for Extraordinary Times.

Sanitary Measures

As many are starting to return physically to work, here are some guidelines and rules of thumb for your workplace sanitary measures.

Don’t wait.

Workplaces and spaces should be taking extra precautions now, not when illness strikes. The CDC recommends that employers implement sanitary measures and start doing these things now, as these measures can reduce working days lost due to sickness and stop or slow the spread of COVID-19 if it arrives at one of your workplaces.

Establish a cleaning routine.

Regularly, make sure to clean all frequently touched surfaces. This includes keyboards, remote controls, desks, countertops, and doorknobs. Using a disinfectant by its instructions will be the easiest way to ensure that the surface is cleaned effectively. See EPA’s 6 steps for Safe and Effective Disinfectant Use.

Be incredibly clear of the expectations of your employees and customers.

Transparency of your expectations when it comes to safety and sanitation is going to be imperative when you are back in some sort of open capacity. Make sure signage is prevalent of what you expect…masks? No masks? Six feet spacing signs are being sold everywhere; they can also be custom designed. Be sure to have sanitizer stations everywhere that make sense, at the very least, at the front when your customers or employees come in and at the register if applicable.

Have a sense of patience.

Remember, this is unchartered territory for absolutely everyone. Tensions are high, fear is present, and the ability to conduct business safely and sanitary lays in your hands.

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