Daytona Beach, Florida

(386) 506-8022

Things You Should Never Do in a Remote Meeting

Remote Meeting

The last decade has seen a slow and steady shift towards remote and flexible working, accelerated by the pandemic. The number of people working from home has reached unprecedented levels, and professionals have quickly adapted to this new way of operating. This includes a remote meeting with clients and co-workers among many other new ways of working.

Many have had to get learn new technologies, mainly using online and audio-conferencing calls as the primary tool for interacting with one another. This new tool has also meant learning a whole range of new behaviors and video meeting etiquette. There have been many funny videos and memes over the last year of remote workers going to the bathroom and getting caught not wearing pants. While these incidents make for great social media entertainment, it’s not what you want to happen during your professional meetings.

To make this easier, we have put together a list of six things you should never do in a remote meeting.

Wear pajamas

One of the most significant benefits of working from home is that you don’t have to get dressed up. Instead, you can throw your hair up in a messy bun and work in your pajamas if you want. But it would be best if you never showed up to a virtual remote meeting dressed like this.


It’s unlikely that you’d whip out a bag of chips when sitting in the boardroom, and the same rules apply when attending a virtual meeting.
The meeting will only go on for so long, so hold off. If you really must eat during the call, choose something quiet that isn’t distracting everyone involved.

Choose a busy or distracting location

Not everyone has the luxury of a home office; some may be working from their living room tables or bedrooms, but you still need to be cautious of your surroundings during a virtual meeting. Ensure you keep the area tidy and don’t sit in front of any distracting artwork or wallpapers. After all, you want all participants to be engaged in the meeting, not watching the TV behind you or staring at your ever-mounting pile of laundry.

Let your pets or family wander around freely

Similarly, you need to eliminate distractions for both you and other meeting participants, which means you can’t have your family, housemates, or pets just wandering around in the background. This can be very distracting and could draw attention away from the meeting at hand.

Speak over people

Last but not least, you need to make sure you’re not cutting anyone off when they’re speaking, which can be tricky if there’s a delay. Be sure that you leave a little pause before answering and don’t talk over other participants. Similarly, it’s best to avoid asking open-ended questions to everyone, especially during a meeting with numerous participants. Otherwise, you might find your co-workers are tripping over each other trying to answer, and it becomes confusing. Always be specific when addressing someone or asking them a question.

Tips to Deal with Work Stress

Work causes stress and can’t be avoided but there are many ways to help deal with work stress better so it does not dominate your life. Whenever stress builds up, you need to stop and use these three tips to not let the stress of work take over the day.

1. Exercise. Make exercise part of your daily routine. A 15-minute walk or an hour-long weight lifting session will help reduce the stress in your life. It improves your mood, helps you get a better night of sleep, and improves your mental alertness. Exercise can help lower your blood pressure and helps you maintain your weight.

2. Take a Break. Stop working every few hours. Slowing down when you feel the stresses of daily life getting the better of you is a great way to take back control of your day. Get in the habit of taking small breaks throughout your workday – make a cup of tea, watch a funny video – 5-minute breaks allow you to slow things down and mindfully think about how you can be your most productive self.

3. Get Outside. Research has shown that parkland settings significantly reduce anxiety and stress, so get outside and take a walk in the park. Nothing brightens the mood like a little sunshine and getting away from an office setting.
Having an office at Work Webb lowers your overhead costs but it can also lower your stress. All three of the above-mentioned tips are easily accomplished from our offices. Some of the best views are from Work Webb’s offices. In addition, walking the bridge will let you get outside and get your stress-reducing exercise. We also provide complimentary coffee and tea for when you just need to step away from your desk for five minutes. Chronic stress is a killer. So, make it a priority to reduce stress in your work life with these tips.

3 Office Etiquette Mistakes You’re Making

You’ve Been Warned: Stay Clear of Committing Any of These 3 Office Etiquette Mistakes

If there are three big mistakes nearly all 9-5ers make, these have got to be the top office etiquette missteps most are guilty of. The sad part is, most people think they are actually making a good decision when they commit one of these office blunders.

Take a look and change your ways if you’re guilty of committing one of these cardinal office sins:


What Our Clients Say

J Pelligrino

Definitely the best location in Daytona Beach. Have taught many classes here. The staff is exceptional. They will go out of their way to accommodate you. Offer additional amenities without charge compared to others we have worked with. The offices are private without intrusions. They are professionally decorated above and beyond what you’d expect. Everything was clean and all equipment requested in place and in working order. Work Webb offers us a turn key solution for our needs when in Daytona with a great location (The Kress building is not only a great place to conduct business, I highly recommend visiting just for its historical value as well as unique layout and furnishings. It is a really neat building) office spaces, staff and it’s most of all, business friendly. One thing we have found with businesses such as this is what you think you’re going to pay and what you end up paying are very different in the end. Work Webb has not only kept their promise to fees, they have never made us feel rushed in anyway (another common issue with other similar businesses). Keep up the exceptional service Work Webb. You are exceptional at what you offer and do.

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