Daytona Beach, Florida

(386) 506-8022

Three Ways to Reduce Overhead Expenses

reduce overhead expenses

Deciding to reduce overhead expenses can be difficult. Many employees are working from home at least a couple of days a week. Remote teams are commonplace, and entire departments have been downsized because of new efficiencies, technological advances, and outsourcing. If this sounds like your company and you find yourself looking at a lot of empty desks every day, it might be a great time to think about where you can reduce your overhead expenses.

Work from Home or a Shared Office Solution

When employees have options on where to work, they tend to be happier – and more productive. In addition to improved work-life balance, they don’t have the commute to deal with, so they can dive right in and get to work right away. Productivity improves, workers are happier, and you don’t have to finance an empty workstation and parking space. Giving employees the option of working from home or using a shared office solution, like Work Webb, can drastically reduce your business expenses while making the employees happier and more productive.

 Managed services

Companies no longer need a full-time IT department because most data is now stored in the cloud. This eliminates the need for on-premise servers and all the costly upkeep that goes with it. What used to require a team of high-paid technicians, on-call 24/7, can now be managed virtually—and more efficiently—at a fraction of the cost.

Document management systems

If you’re ready to ditch the paper, a document management system (DMS) is the way to go. A DMS manages your filing systems digitally and is far more secure and foolproof than a conventional filing system. Documents in a DMS are searchable and can be protected by permissions, ensuring that the appropriate personnel can only access them. There are no more lost files, no more filing cabinets, and no need for a separate room to house it all.

If you are considering a shared office solution for your business, visit our website here. Work Webb has two convenient locations, Daytona Beach and Melbourne, Florida, and has a variety of options to suit most needs. Call us today to schedule a tour at one of our locations.

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Joe D

We have had office space with WorkWebb for several years now.  Heidi and her team are amazing.  They always take great care of us and our Clients 🙂

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Daytona Beach

W.H. Gardiner Building . 210 South Beach Street . Suite 202 . Daytona Beach, FL 32114

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