Here are the 3 Things Every Office MUST Have
If You’re Lacking These Office Essentials – You’d Better Make Some Changes in Your Workplace, Stat
There are 3 basic items every office or workspace needs (besides a working coffee machine, a water source, and functional bathrooms). If you, your company, office manager, or your boss don’t have these 3 essential office ingredients in your place of work, you’d better get on it and complete your surroundings with this vital list of office necessities. Your mood and work productivity will surely improve when you set the stage properly at the office with the following items, drumroll please…
1. Comfy Chairs

This 1983, ‘SMH’ Series desk model was voted “Most Comfortable Office Chair” by the Committee for Work Wellness in 2001 – …Hah. Not.
This is a must. Not only for the health and longevity of your body and bones, but for your mental and emotional health, too – no joke. You can’t enjoy yourself (much less perform well) at your 9-5 if you’re stuck sitting on a seat that feels nothing like a proper office chair – maybe not even an actual “chair” – but something more like the chair-desk thingy you couldn’t quite fit into properly in middle school (don’t worry, no one could), with bodily effects that remind one of the Chair of Torture from the Dark Ages, or whenever it was around. Comfy chairs are indeed a must, but remember that you shouldn’t sit all day either (no matter how aerodynamic or healthy your chair or bouncy yoga ball thingy is). Try out these office workouts and check out this list of healthy office habits for some inspired ways to get a little physical activity in your office routine (without coming off like a nut job to your coworkers).
2. Live Plants

Plants have a natural way of eliminating toxic elements in the air, many of which are commonly found in commercial buildings and office furniture and supplies – yikes! This one’s not a joke, people.
I feel really strongly about this one. The benefits of having live plants in and around your home and place of work are numerous: Not only are they aesthetically pleasing and proven to be energy and mood enhancers – live plants actually filter harmful chemicals, even dander and allergens, out of the air. They take in the bad and expel the life-force enhancing, boosting properties of good old-fashioned oxygen. This promotes increased energy and productivity – in fact, the presence of live plants at the office can even keep you from getting sick! And oh – by the way – a little organization called NASA has the research to prove it if you don’t believe me, *…drops mic…*
Sorry. I always wanted to write that…
3. A Soundtrack

From MOMA’s collection of Interpretive Office Installation Art: A 2010 piece by Jacque Pee-pou, Esquire, entitled “Stapler’s Jamming”
You need office tunes: Your own office tunes. Whether it’s the sound of a trickling Zen water fountain you impulse-bought at Walgreen’s last year; the exotic tones of the Pure Moods CD you shamefully phoned-in for back in the ’90s [Pro Tip: bring it wrapped up in a paper bag to avoid any office ridicule]; or an early Pantera-inspired playlist with the occasional cheeseball Queensrÿche track mixed in – everyone needs a little audible inspiration at the workplace. Of course your office mates will probably mind the noise (especially if it’s Queensrÿche, what the heck is wrong with you?), so you’ll definitely need some headphones. Hey, who knows though, see if you and your officemates can collaborate on a set of tunes or instrumental background noises that work for everyone. You need something to get your wind back when you’re feeling unmotivated, uninspired, lethargic, or just lost in the doldrums of the workplace. But don’t just cram anything on your work playlist. Create a soundtrack for the office that keeps you focused, upbeat, happy, and inspired all at once.
*Note: If you struggle to stay focused while you’re jamming out to your music – try playing a track list without lyrics. Go with instrumental instead (Spanish guitar, anyone?), or try soothing soundscapes (Nature Sounds Radio, yea baby!), even electronic music works great as long as it works to pump you up but keep you focused (and your work flowing easily) at the same time.
So, now that you know the 3 office essentials – take stock of your work environment and encourage and promote the additions of the items above in order to make your office life more enjoyable, productive and fruitful. #workhappy
Do you have any “office essentials” suggestions or recommended workplace playlists or soundtracks to share? Post them for me and our Work Webb fans on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ with the hashtags #workhappy and/or #workwebb. Cheers!
About Work Webb: Work Webb offers helpful office advice and workplace knowhow, hacks, and tips on The Water Cooler Blog (and social media).
Work Webb Shared Office Solutions is located on the 3rd floor of the historic Kress building on Beach Street in Daytona Beach, FL. With a variety of office, conference and meeting room rental options, Work Webb provides professionals in and around the areas of Daytona, Ormond Beach, and Port Orange with flexible options for offices and corporate meeting spaces for rent in Daytona. We have private, semi-private and shared, fully-furnished work spaces available ranging from hourly to daily, weekly, and monthly affordable rental rates. Ask us about our virtual office options for mailbox and postal status. Contact us today to schedule a tour, office, or meeting space. And remember: #workhappy!