Daytona Beach, Florida

(386) 506-8022

How to Work Well: 3 Tips For Being More Productive in the Office

Follow These 3 Guidelines to Increase Your Productivity at Your Office, or Anywhere!

The average person spends as much time at work as they do sleeping, all the way up to the distant dream of retirement. In many cases your office can work against you, making you space out or providing all kinds of distractions that interfere with getting through your “to do” list for the day––and there’s nothing worse than carrying today’s “to dos” over to tomorrow.

Here are a few tips to ensure that you get the most productivity out of your time in the office:

Office for Rent at Work Webb

1. Unclutter — It seems simple enough, but often the excess and obsolete information you’ve been plowing through gets stacked to the side, where it sits untouched for weeks at a time.

A clean workspace is a clean mind, and a more productive one. Any chef worth his salt only hires cooks who he knows work cleanly and efficiently, both for health and productivity reasons.

Why aren’t more office managers this way?

2. Unplug — Social media and other forms of e-communication have access to our brains all the time, and constant interruptions from a co-worker, family member or friend aren’t conducive to getting big things (or even the little things) done.

While it may be impossible to completely remove the electronic component from your job, it pays to set aside time where you can focus on what’s in front of you, not what’s on the screen.

Try leaving your phone in your office during a meeting, or simply powering off the monitor on your computer for a few minutes at a time—you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the increased focus that results.

3. Unlock Your Potential— Purposefully removing distractions can be tough at first, but after a few weeks of concerted effort, you will see big gains in both preserved sanity and productivity as a result of your newfound focus.

Clear Your Mind To Find A Workspace For New Ideas…

Having a “big idea” seems like a paradox: how can something that doesn’t take up any physical space be “big?” The answer is, it takes up space in your head until you can turn it into real-life results. Keep your idea-space clear when you have a lot to do, and focus and productivity will follow.

Work Webb Provides Fully-Furnished Private or Shared Office Space and Networking/Business Solutions…

Looking for a dedicated networking solution for your small business? Work Webb at the Historic Kress Building in Daytona Beach offers virtual offices, meeting and conference rooms, and office space for rent that you can access 24/7. Call us M-F 9-5 at 386.843.3263, or click here for a complete selection of our options.

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