Daytona Beach, Florida

(386) 506-8022

Time for Spring Cleaning (Your Office)

Time for Spring Cleaning (Your Office)

Isn’t there something about Spring that makes us want to beat the chaos and start anew? And that doesn’t just mean our homes and outdoor space — it means our businesses too! We have made it through the time change, and now Spring, followed by a nice hot Florida summer is just around the corner. It’s time to Spring Forward and do a little Spring cleaning in your professional life.

Now we don’t mean cleaning literally…actually, we take that back. Take a second to disinfect your workspace. Clean your laptop screen and the keyboard. And your cell phone. Germs are everywhere. We suggest wiping these items down once a week.

An easy way to keep your actual workspace clear? The things you use consistently should be within the radius of your arms. No matter, if you are at our shared workspace, or at home-this, can include your monitor and keyboard, telephone, two pens, one notebook, etc. Supplies and paperwork should be kept in the zones you’ve established for them.

Some experts say most of us treat our email inbox like a to-do list, which adds to the stress of any profession and any successful workflow. Attempt a namaste spring clean by organizing your inbox with folders or task functions that will increase your work productivity.

With a freshly organized inbox, make appointments with yourself at least once a quarter to clean out those folders. And now that your inbox is sparkling how about digging into your other folders – especially those on shared drives like Dropbox or Google Drive?

In your professional life, sometimes a spring clean doesn’t mean breaking out the vacuum or Windex, it means taking stock of what’s working well and what’s not, and getting yourself mentally revived after a long winter.

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The Pros and Cons of Standing Office Desks

Have you heard of standing office desks? You may be surprised that this is a not a new trend! Popular Science, a magazine with roots much older than the Paris Review, first began writing about the virtues of standing desks for writers back in 1883. Once used only by eccentrics like Hemingway, Dickens, and Kierkegaard, this new way to work is now a once again trendy and office setting. Whether you choose to do it the Hemmingway way with and throw your writing machine on the nearest bookcase and get going or buy an actual standing desk, there are a few things to consider.


Did you know that the average office worker spends 5 hours and 41 minutes sitting each day at his or her desk? According to an article in The Smithsonian, the solution, experts say, is not to sit for six hours at work and then head to the gym afterward, because evidence suggests that the adverse effects of extended sitting cannot be countered by brief bouts of strenuous exercise. The answer is to incorporate standing, pacing and other forms of activity into your typical day—and standing at your desk for part of it may be the easiest way of doing so.


It doesn’t matter if you go running every morning, or you’re a regular at the gym. If you spend most of the rest of the day sitting — in your car, your office chair, on your sofa at home — you are putting yourself at increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, a variety of cancers and early death. In other words, irrespective of whether you exercise vigorously, sitting for long periods is bad for you.


But could you do it? Switching from sitting all day to standing all day is a radical physical transition! Check out this article for more pros and cons of standing office desks!

More from Work Webb: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – The Water Cooler

The Best of Both Worlds: Shared Office Solutions

People around the world are becoming increasingly entrepreneurial and embracing alternative forms of employment. In fact, according to a report by software company Intuit, “In the U.S. alone, contingent workers will exceed 40 percent of the workforce by 2020.” If you are self-employed, an entrepreneur or have the great opportunity to work for a company remotely, it has a lot of benefits. Aside from the obvious perk of making your own schedule and choosing whether a shower is actually on the agenda…there are also some unexpected benefits like no commute, no traffic, and no office politics.

While this is, for the most part, a dream situation, sometimes working strictly from home isn’t all it is cracked up to be. For one, it is super hard to focus when distractions of what also needs to be done (laundry, dishes, etc.) is all around…and sometimes working by yourself within the same four walls day in and day out stifles all creativity and motivation.

An easy answer to have the best of both worlds is the benefits of having a shared office solution! Imagine being super focused and energetic around like-minded people in a professional office setting! You would be surprised how engaging this atmosphere can be and joining a like-minded community will push you to success by surrounding yourself with other sharp minds.

Located on the third floor of the historic Kress building on Beach Street in Daytona Beach, Work Webb provides work-spaces to many clients in need of affordable, personalized office space solutions. Choices include anything from 24/7 access, to a single day pass for telecommuting or short-term clients needing virtual or remote office space. Enjoy modern, clean, beautifully furnished private, semi-private or shared office space–available for rent in a variety of options. Click here for more information!

More from Work Webb: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – The Water Cooler

Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Co-Working Space

If you work from home, you are aware of the lonely feelings that can overcome the home office employee.  The coffee shop may seem a great way to get out of the house, but there is another option that can offer you more than just a different view. Co-working spaces usually charge a daily, weekly, or monthly fee for workspaces and amenities and finding the right one for you and your business can be a challenge.

To make sure you choose the right one, ask yourself these questions while shopping for a co-working space to suit your needs:

  1. Can I Visit? – Just like any office environment, each has their own vibe, and you need to make sure you find the right one for you and your business. Visit the space before you commit to it, and if they do not allow visits – cross them off your list.
  2. Who are the current tenants? – If you are looking for a space that has tenants that can help you in your business and career you need to see the tenant list to pick the right place.
  3. Is there a Trial period? – Ask if you can work in the space for a day to see if it fits your needs. If you need quiet time to work, you want to make sure the area you choose can accommodate your needs.
  4. What Amenities are offered? Most spaces provide Wi-Fi, kitchens, snacks, etc. Ask what the office offers and be honest with yourself if paying for your own coffee will eventually drive you nuts.
  5. What are the working hours? This is an essential question to ask, if not the most important. If you do not hold regular 8 – 5 hours, you need to know what type of access you will have to this space. If it does not fit your needs, the area is not for you.
  6. How Long Is the Commute? You are used to working from home and let’s face it the commute from the kitchen to your office is a short one. Before you commit to a co-working space, make sure the drive from your home to the office is not one you will come to despise.
  7. How long is the contract? Find out how flexible this contract is for the space you are considering. Most co-working spaces offer lots of options. Make sure they have an option to fit your needs.
  8. How much space do you need? Depending on how long you have worked from home, alone, being right next to someone might be a bit much for you to be productive. Be honest with yourself about the type of space you need to stay productive and make sure the co-working space you choose has an option to fit this need.

Work Webb is a co-working or shared office solution located in Historic Downtown Daytona Beach, Florida and has lots of options to choose from for its tenants.  If you live in the area and are considering utilizing a shared office solution, call us for a tour and feel free to ask all the questions you need.  We like our tenants happy.

Challenges of Working from Home in the Summer

Working from Home in the Summer

It’s summer and the kids are out of school.  Working from home during the summer can present a challenge. If this is your first summer working from home, you may not know what to expect for the next three months.  Let me enlighten you on what I have heard from clients that I only see here at Work Webb during the summer months.

Interruptions Are Constant

Older children that handled being home alone while you worked in a traditional office last summer will completely regress to needy toddlers now that you are working from home.   They will not be able to find anything, do anything without asking you for help.  Why you ask?  Because they know you are there to help them and answer their questions.  You will stop work to find the TV remote, Play Station controller and any number of meaningless tasks your children just can’t seem to do without you.

Family Visits

Now that you no longer have a traditional job, your extended family may think they can come to visit for extended stays.  Honestly, if they catch you off guard you may not have a quick answer as to why they can’t come for a visit.  Then you are stuck with family coming especially if you live in a desired area like Florida. Your office may be lost to your teenage nephew that likes to sleep the morning away and – POOF – there goes your productivity.  In addition, if you are a good host, your in-laws might expect home cooked meals every night because after all you are home.  Don’t’ forget since you are home, odds are you still do laundry, etc., so these tasks just doubled for you. All that does is eat up precious hours that should be used to get your work done.

Parental Guilt

Since you ARE working from home and this is your first summer with the kids, you might feel compelled to be the super parent.  Trips to bowling alley, movies or to the beach may eat up your daylight hours which means you will burn the midnight oil or get up with the birds to get your work completed.  In short – you will work twice as hard the next few months.  Trust me.

Taxi Services

A common complaint I hear from my summer clients is they become a taxi service for the children and their children’s friends.  After all you are home – and your children will volunteer your services without asking.  Your productivity and gas tank will bottom out fast.

Avoid these pitfalls of summer by finding a shared office solution near you.  If you are close to the Daytona Beach or Melbourne, Florida area, visit Work Webb’s website to see what we can offer you besides a quiet place to work.

More from Work Webb: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – The Water Cooler

Updated: 3/29/21

Revolution of the Traditional Office

The traditional office is in the middle of a revolution.  I have read several articles lately questioning the conventional office environment, its hours and work performance.  It seems that society is asking questions like, “is it really necessary to sit in an office from 9 to 5 to do my job?” This traditional 9 to 5 environment sometimes creates less productive, unhealthy and unhappy employees. Employees that are unhappy are not optimal for any business. Some businesses are re-evaluating the traditional office environment and researching if remote working can fit their particular industry.  The traditional office seems to be going through a revolution and may go the way of the pager, fax machine & home phone. Here are three reasons I think society will ditch the traditional office environment and a combination of shared office solutions and collaborative work spaces will be the next big thing.

  • Technology. Technology is the reason the work world is very different today.  It has created jobs that did not exist a few years back.  Technology along with the internet has connected the home office to the traditional office.  The restrictive and dated definition of going to the same office every day from 9 to 5 does not work for every industry in today’s world.  Technology has made this change and it is the reason collaborative work space and shared office solutions are a growing trend.
  • Reduced Overhead Costs.   Businesses using collaborative work spaces do not have to pay to maintain a typical office which significantly reduces overhead costs.  No building to own or rent, maintain, insure, clean, furnish add up to huge savings for businesses.  Employers can have the best of both words by renting office space just for the time a traditional office setting is needed.  These types of shared office solution companies are becoming more commonplace.
  • Improved Attendance and Retention. Remote employees have more control of their schedules freeing them up for other important activities.  Having more freedom can make individuals happier in their employment.  Happy employees get sick and call in less often.  Honestly, who has not called in just because they didn’t want to get out of their PJs?  Working remotely provides employees the option of staying in their PJS and still getting the job done. Employers will save money on sick days and have a lower turnover rate in their company. Happy employees do not leave. Everyone wins.

There is no downside to revolutionizing the traditional office. Quite frankly, it’s about time.  Having control of your schedule reduces stress and starts the process of being a happier worker. Work Webb may be the local missing piece to finding a better working environment. Work Webb provides big city shared office solutions in historic downtown Daytona Beach. Call today to schedule and tour and visit our web site here for pricing.

Coworking Works at Work Webb: Work in a collaborative area or select from our private or semi-private offices for rent.

Why Shared Office Solutions Is Catching On


I let people borrow stuff all the time.  Picture Frames?  Sure. I have many.  Dancer Dust?  Sure because really, no meal is complete without some Dancer Dust.  Office Space – Why yes!  We have expanded our space in the Kress building so we can accommodate the growing trend of “borrowing” office space or providing shared office solutions.  I see more and more articles online on how shared office solutions is a growing trend.  It’s refreshing to know we were ahead of the game when we started #WorkWebb.

If you have not considered the option of shared office space as a solution for your business, here is a list of why you need to:

  1. Reduces expenses. Not having to maintain an office is a huge reduction of expenses. Let us worry about this while you just get your work done.
  1. No need for multiple offices. Traveling to Daytona Beach, Florida for work and need a place to work? Work Webb is a professional environment to meet clients or just get some work completed with access to snacks, coffee, and great company.
  1. Support Local Business. Using Work Webb will support a local, small business and help bring back life to downtown Daytona.
  1. No Commitment. No lease required. Period.  Having commitment issues is no problem for Work Webb. We have options to fit every need so businesses can give Work Webb a trial run to see if it is a good fit. We offer daily, weekly, and monthly office rental plans at Work Webb.
  1. Supplies Included. Everything needed for a day, hour, or week in the office is supplied so you can be productive without compromising your professionalism.  Our facilities have everything you need to get your next project up and running in an elegant, peaceful, productive environment.
  1. Emergency Needs. On vacation in Daytona Beach and something important comes up and you need a professional office? Yes, we can help.

Contact us today to schedule a tour or inquire about office space for rent at Work Webb at the historic Kress building in Daytona Beach: (386) 506-8022

4 Simple Things That Have a Serious Impact on Your Work Productivity at the Office

Believe it or Not, These 4 Simple Things Actually Have an Impact on How Much You Get Done at the Office.

In today’s busy workplace, it’s easy to forget a very simple, very important truth: That your brain, like the other organs in your body, is a muscle.While it may not do the physical pushing and pulling of your arms or legs, it’s just as important to respect your brain for what it is, and give it a rest when necessary. (more…)

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What Our Clients Say

Shawn E Brown Insurance

2 years ago I made the decision to lease office space with Work Webb of Daytona Beach. What a tremendous experience it has been. I’ve been able to lease mo-mo with no contract and no pressure all this time. I even upgraded my office to a new location in the building recently. I’m so pleased with Heidi, Susan and the rest of Work Webb.

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Daytona Beach

All Aboard Building . 210 South Beach Street . Suite 202 . Daytona Beach, FL 32114

Phone: (386) 506-8022 . Fax: (866) 365-7793 . E-mail:

Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 6:00pm
Friday – CLOSED

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Site by Diana Nichols.