Professionals Take Note: Holding a Business Meeting in a Coffee Shop Will Screw Up Your Game Plan (and Your Profit)
Turns Out Coffee Shop Meetings Can Hurt Your Business. Here’s How…
OK, this is a unique PSA, but here goes: Are coffee shops hurting your business?
If you sometimes hold meetings in a public place, like your area coffee shop or café rather than an office or meeting room environment – this blog post (or warning, I should say) is for you…
Coffee shops, cafés, and establishments with that oh-so-precious Wi-Fi signal are like the mecca for the business professional on the go. Starbucks or – insert name of local coffee shop here – have become the virtual offices of many, but I’m here to tell you that that’s not a good thing…
If you’re planning on holding your next meeting over a $5 cup of coffee, read on because the habit of meeting potential or existing clients and/or work peers to talk business in these very accessible-yet-unpredictable public places is likely hurting your potential and your bottom line; there’s no doubt it’s hurting your professional image and your communication with clients and officemates.
Here are just 4 of the biggest reasons to change your approach to meetings and skip the coffee shops in the future:
- Unpredictable, Slow or Touchy Wi-Fi…

Bring on the jitters and sweaty palms while you try navigate this meeting without Wi-Fi!
It’s Murphy’s Law––You’re all spiffed up and totally prepared for your meeting or conference with a potential/existing client (or maybe even your boss): You’ve emailed yourself that incredible excel spreadsheet that belongs in a museum (for real, though – it’s a masterpiece!); you sent yourself links and references that prove all of your points beautifully, and you’re ready to nail this fricking meeting, right? Think again. You meet your client, who’s blissfully unaware of the awesomeness they’re about to get served up in this meeting, and you each stand in line – albeit awkwardly for a very long 10 minutes – to order your Mochawhatchahooies. Ah, who cares about the wait, you’re about to wow the socks off this person! Then you find somewhere to sit (well, hopefully you did – and let’s pray it’s not at the table right by the coffee shop bathroom…pew!). You start your spiel and open up your laptop. You hit-up your browser to start churning out your presentation and exhibiting your supporting research, genius ideas, and killer visual aids. But wait… Hark! The Wi-Fi at the coffee shop is moving at a glacial pace! Or even worse – it’s just plain not working! Either that or it’s your demon of a computer not connecting for some reason. THIS, my friends, is all too common and just one reason to skip the coffee shop meetings in the future – two reasons if you ended up at the table near the bathrooms…
- Too Many Distractions, Not Enough Space…

Of course 40 kids show up and crowd the place out at 3:00 pm on a Tuesday…
You can control the time and place you decide to meet your client, hopeful client, co-worker, or business partner – but you can’t control who or what will be there when you get there – or who will arrive once you’re all settled in. You know that summer Little League game that you never cared about or even knew existed? Well that game just ended and now you’ve got 40 stinky kiddos flooding into Panera on a Tuesday afternoon just as you’re starting to really impress your client. Well, say goodbye to that “home run” of a meeting or presentation because now all you and your client can think about is getting the heck out of dodge and staying clear of the sweaty kid with the runny nose and gatorade and sweat mustache. I hope that’s dirt on his shorts!
- Awkwardness and The “Joy” of the Unexpected…

Just feeling a little queasy after 20 minutes talking marketing strategies seated next to the coffee shop bathroom…
Meetings are awkward enough, don’t go and add in the many varied and boundless awkward elements that having a meeting or conference in a public venue will bring. You want to be in control and cool, calm and collected when you do your thing at this meeting, so your best bet would be to suck it up and hold the meeting at your office with a regular old cup of Folgers. Sorry, but it’s for the best. If you don’t work out of an office, you’re not stuck – it’s easy, low-cost, and totally worth it to rent a conference or meeting room with the right tools – like a white board, projector, reliable Wi-Fi, and a printer, oh my! – and the proper atmosphere to totally wow your colleague or potential client.
- Bottom Line: It’s Just Not Professional…

You shouldn’t leave what could have been a great meeting feeling deflated and less-than confident.
Sure, holding a meeting out of the office and in a coffee shop or restaurant gives you and your colleagues or clients a chance to get out of the office while fueling up on caffeine and carbs – but the risks of touchy Wi-Fi, unpredictable or unruly people or crowds, verbal and non-verbal miscommunications, and looking like an unprofessional chump are just too great.
Stick to an office environment and you’ll find that both you (and your bottom line) perform better and profit more both in and out of the meeting. If you work from home, remotely or out of virtual offices – a conference or meeting room rental is an excellent, low-cost option that carries a lot of perks. Yes, even gourmet coffee!
So, the moral of the story is to ditch the unprofessional coffee shop meetings and conferences as well as all the stress and strife that often comes with them. Opt for a professional meeting room, conference space, or office rental instead to set the stage for your important meetings. You can be sure that you and your business will both benefit from a little “change of place”. Cheers, and remember to #workhappy!
About Work Webb Shared Office Solutions: Work Webb is a network of offices, conference rooms and meeting rooms for rent, located on the 3rd floor of the historic Kress building on Beach Street in beautiful Daytona Beach. Both long-time tenants and clients who rent our workspaces on an as-needed basis enjoy fully-furnished office and conference spaces; office supplies, presentation and printing equipment and amenities; snack stations, coffee, bottled water, and beverage bars; and a variety of workspaces, offices and package options to suit your individual or company needs (as well as your budget and schedule). Work Webb provides professionals in Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach, Port Orange, and surrounding areas with office space and meeting rooms for rent in a number of options. We also offer corporate addresses and company mailboxes for those that need a virtual or satellite office (or just a professional mailbox listing). Office and meeting room package options include short term, long term and one-time use – as well as daily rates, weekly, and/or monthly office rental deals on a part time, full time or shared work environment, whether you require a virtual office, private office, semi-private office, or prefer a co-working space with access to the buildings conference and meeting room rentals.
Curious About the Offices, Conference Rooms and Meeting Spaces Available for Rent at Work Webb?
- View our Daytona Beach offices in the photo gallery.
- Contact Us today to schedule a meeting/conference room in the Daytona Beach area – or set up a tour of our offices and workspaces for rent today!
For office advice and workplace tips of all kinds, keep up with Work Webb on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ – and if you’re a professional near Volusia or Flagler County – feel free to connect with me, Heidi Webb, on LinkedIn.

Call (386) 506-8022 to schedule a tour of the offices, conference rooms and meeting spaces for rent at Work Webb in Daytona!