Daytona Beach, Florida

(386) 506-8022

Working with Distractions From Home

distractions from work

Working from home is interesting. The distractions can be overwhelming, and while some people just are not cut out to work remotely because of the COVID pandemic, that option may have been taken away from you. But how can you maintain your best productivity?

If you’re used to working in an office full of that noisy buzz working from home may feel a little quiet — too quiet, and if we are honest…a little depressing! Music and Podcasts to stay focused when you work may be an answer. If you are working at home with a significant other in the same situation or children who are remote learning, you may need a pair of headphones to ensure your concentration stays on your work.

To get a little scientific, studies have concluded that people who listen to music while working on repetitive tasks can perform the task faster while making fewer mistakes. This is because listening to music triggers the release of certain neurotransmitters that make you feel relaxed and happy: dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. This may be the answer to keep your spirits up and your attention focused because the feel-good neurotransmitters improve your overall mood and give you more patience making for a better workday. This is also true when these tasks are challenging. If you are comfortable in motion, but the stakes are high, then music can help relieve additional pressures that might compromise the performance at hand. (Think, surgeons in surgery.)

One of the great things of controlling your at-home environment is that you have the power to put in place of what makes you happy in your space. So light that candle or turn on the diffuser, put on your favorite Pandora station in your headphones, and see your work life from home improve, maybe even thrive! The small things can make a big difference. 

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J Pelligrino

Definitely the best location in Daytona Beach. Have taught many classes here. The staff is exceptional. They will go out of their way to accommodate you. Offer additional amenities without charge compared to others we have worked with. The offices are private without intrusions. They are professionally decorated above and beyond what you’d expect. Everything was clean and all equipment requested in place and in working order. Work Webb offers us a turn key solution for our needs when in Daytona with a great location (The Kress building is not only a great place to conduct business, I highly recommend visiting just for its historical value as well as unique layout and furnishings. It is a really neat building) office spaces, staff and it’s most of all, business friendly. One thing we have found with businesses such as this is what you think you’re going to pay and what you end up paying are very different in the end. Work Webb has not only kept their promise to fees, they have never made us feel rushed in anyway (another common issue with other similar businesses). Keep up the exceptional service Work Webb. You are exceptional at what you offer and do.

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