Daytona Beach, Florida

(386) 506-8022

The Pros and Cons of Standing Office Desks

Have you heard of standing office desks? You may be surprised that this is a not a new trend! Popular Science, a magazine with roots much older than the Paris Review, first began writing about the virtues of standing desks for writers back in 1883. Once used only by eccentrics like Hemingway, Dickens, and Kierkegaard, this new way to work is now a once again trendy and office setting. Whether you choose to do it the Hemmingway way with and throw your writing machine on the nearest bookcase and get going or buy an actual standing desk, there are a few things to consider.


Did you know that the average office worker spends 5 hours and 41 minutes sitting each day at his or her desk? According to an article in The Smithsonian, the solution, experts say, is not to sit for six hours at work and then head to the gym afterward, because evidence suggests that the adverse effects of extended sitting cannot be countered by brief bouts of strenuous exercise. The answer is to incorporate standing, pacing and other forms of activity into your typical day—and standing at your desk for part of it may be the easiest way of doing so.


It doesn’t matter if you go running every morning, or you’re a regular at the gym. If you spend most of the rest of the day sitting — in your car, your office chair, on your sofa at home — you are putting yourself at increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, a variety of cancers and early death. In other words, irrespective of whether you exercise vigorously, sitting for long periods is bad for you.


But could you do it? Switching from sitting all day to standing all day is a radical physical transition! Check out this article for more pros and cons of standing office desks!

More from Work Webb: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – The Water Cooler

The Best of Both Worlds: Shared Office Solutions

People around the world are becoming increasingly entrepreneurial and embracing alternative forms of employment. In fact, according to a report by software company Intuit, “In the U.S. alone, contingent workers will exceed 40 percent of the workforce by 2020.” If you are self-employed, an entrepreneur or have the great opportunity to work for a company remotely, it has a lot of benefits. Aside from the obvious perk of making your own schedule and choosing whether a shower is actually on the agenda…there are also some unexpected benefits like no commute, no traffic, and no office politics.

While this is, for the most part, a dream situation, sometimes working strictly from home isn’t all it is cracked up to be. For one, it is super hard to focus when distractions of what also needs to be done (laundry, dishes, etc.) is all around…and sometimes working by yourself within the same four walls day in and day out stifles all creativity and motivation.

An easy answer to have the best of both worlds is the benefits of having a shared office solution! Imagine being super focused and energetic around like-minded people in a professional office setting! You would be surprised how engaging this atmosphere can be and joining a like-minded community will push you to success by surrounding yourself with other sharp minds.

Located on the third floor of the historic Kress building on Beach Street in Daytona Beach, Work Webb provides work-spaces to many clients in need of affordable, personalized office space solutions. Choices include anything from 24/7 access, to a single day pass for telecommuting or short-term clients needing virtual or remote office space. Enjoy modern, clean, beautifully furnished private, semi-private or shared office space–available for rent in a variety of options. Click here for more information!

More from Work Webb: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – The Water Cooler

Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Co-Working Space

If you work from home, you are aware of the lonely feelings that can overcome the home office employee.  The coffee shop may seem a great way to get out of the house, but there is another option that can offer you more than just a different view. Co-working spaces usually charge a daily, weekly, or monthly fee for workspaces and amenities and finding the right one for you and your business can be a challenge.

To make sure you choose the right one, ask yourself these questions while shopping for a co-working space to suit your needs:

  1. Can I Visit? – Just like any office environment, each has their own vibe, and you need to make sure you find the right one for you and your business. Visit the space before you commit to it, and if they do not allow visits – cross them off your list.
  2. Who are the current tenants? – If you are looking for a space that has tenants that can help you in your business and career you need to see the tenant list to pick the right place.
  3. Is there a Trial period? – Ask if you can work in the space for a day to see if it fits your needs. If you need quiet time to work, you want to make sure the area you choose can accommodate your needs.
  4. What Amenities are offered? Most spaces provide Wi-Fi, kitchens, snacks, etc. Ask what the office offers and be honest with yourself if paying for your own coffee will eventually drive you nuts.
  5. What are the working hours? This is an essential question to ask, if not the most important. If you do not hold regular 8 – 5 hours, you need to know what type of access you will have to this space. If it does not fit your needs, the area is not for you.
  6. How Long Is the Commute? You are used to working from home and let’s face it the commute from the kitchen to your office is a short one. Before you commit to a co-working space, make sure the drive from your home to the office is not one you will come to despise.
  7. How long is the contract? Find out how flexible this contract is for the space you are considering. Most co-working spaces offer lots of options. Make sure they have an option to fit your needs.
  8. How much space do you need? Depending on how long you have worked from home, alone, being right next to someone might be a bit much for you to be productive. Be honest with yourself about the type of space you need to stay productive and make sure the co-working space you choose has an option to fit this need.

Work Webb is a co-working or shared office solution located in Historic Downtown Daytona Beach, Florida and has lots of options to choose from for its tenants.  If you live in the area and are considering utilizing a shared office solution, call us for a tour and feel free to ask all the questions you need.  We like our tenants happy.

Office Manners When Working in a Shared Office Solution

If you are renting space in an open office or a shared office solution, it may be complicated to maintain a lot of privacy. Also, renting space in a big office, full of people can be incredibly distracting, mainly, if the other tenants are not respectful of the environment around them and cause distractions by their behavior. When working in a shared office solution, it is essential to realize the following so as not to be a distraction to others:

Voice Volume

shared office solution

Loud Phone Conversations can be distracting to others in the office.

In your traditional office environment, you may have your office where you can put your feet up and be as loud as you want while on the phone. But when utilizing a shared office, you must adapt

your volume level to limit distractions and be mindful that others are occupying the same office space as you.





Other tenants may not like to work listening to your playlist. Bring headphones, so you do not disturb anyone.

If you need music to be productive while working in a temp office solution, bring headphones. The odds that an entire room full of strangers will like your music selections are slim to none.

Also, if there is music played by another tenant, and it is distracting, professionally ask them to turn it down.





Refrigerator Rules

Do not assume items in the fridge are fair game. Please, do not be that person. If you want to assume, assume nothing will be provided and bring your drinks and snacks.


A shared office solution is a temporary office, and your co-workers are people you do not know. If you like to massively spray on the perfume or cologne (not judging here, just trying to help), please hold when working in a co-working space. You may just be working near someone that has an allergy to perfumes.


Getting to know your new co-workers is excellent but can become an annoyance if it goes on longer than needed and keeps your new found friend from getting back to work.


Be nice, but do not engage in excessive chit-chat, so you are not a distraction to others.

You may be on vacation and using the office temporarily, but to others, this co-working space may be their central office and have a regular full business day ahead of them.




A Shared Office Solution can help you stay productive while traveling for business or vacation.If you are considering moving your business to a shared office solution, or you frequent a temp office while you travel, keep these tips in mind, so you do not annoy others in the office.  Traveling to or live in the Daytona Beach area and need a shared office solution, call us and schedule a tour to see what we have to offer.

The Redesign of the Traditional Office Due to Mobile Technology

We have talked a lot on our blog about co-working spaces as an alternative to the traditional office and how the co-working space is changing the work environment. Traditional offices are also going through a metamorphosis and are no longer a sea of workstations depicted in shows like “Office Space.” Today’s office is seen as more of an integration of layered neighborhoods serving different functions. That’s because today we can offer a host of new spaces that better fit the way we live and work in today’s office environment. It’s helpful to start with an appreciation of what is powering the changes to the traditional office design. The most significant driving factor is mobile technology.

While laptops were once a luxury item with limited computing power compared to the desktop counterparts of their day, we all know that today’s mobility has matured. Between laptops and tablets, mobility is both affordable and fully functional, offering more power than most professionals need for just emailing, documenting, sharing and accessing the web. In addition to traditional workplace strategies, today’s portable devices create additional design opportunities to enhance a space that wasn’t possible in the past.
Some of these spaces include small “huddle” rooms for two or three staff to gather and produce work together around a shared monitor. These flexible spaces allow for both privacy and acoustic isolation away from more public workstations. Similarly, soft-seating conference areas can support work with clients who are dealing with sensitive information or are in need of a more nurturing space to interact, while positioning them near an easily accessed screen. Also, coffee shop-style spaces and high-top collaboration tables all enable different types of individual and team-oriented work to occur.

When these spaces fit the company culture and are correctly built, they can lead to increased staff comfort and team focus. At the same time, they can also encourage heads down, focused productivity. This new modern office concept can help staff feel invigorated, well supported and more vibrant. They can provide more acoustic privacy and concentration where it’s essential. Teams can also feel free to be dynamic and loud without distracting others.
It seems like mobile technology is changing both the traditional office design as well as creating the new remote worker.

Make a Shared Office Solution Part of your Emergency Plan

When Hurricanes happen here in Florida small local business take a hit. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), almost 40 percent of small businesses never reopen their doors after a disaster. Recent data from a CNBC/SurveyMonkey Small Business Survey also shows that most small business owners don’t spend too much time thinking about the environment as a critical factor.  Many small businesses do not have an emergency plan, and a storm like Irma closes their doors. Remote workers need a plan as well. Remote workers take a hit when Mother Nature shows her power resulting in disruptive downtime in business. Finding a shared office solution before you need one can make the financial difference as a remote worker. Here are some examples of when knowing the local shared office solution can help in times of natural disasters.



This hurricane season has hit hard this year and exposed many businesses that were unprepared for this scenario. If you travel to a hurricane-prone area, do some research ahead of time to see what shared office solutions are available when you may need them. A hurricane has an extensive reach of disruption. You may be stranded for an undetermined amount of time if you travel to a hurricane-prone area for business. If you live in Florida and travel for your profession, you may not be able to home, and a shared office will be needed. Also, if you go to an area hit by a hurricane, you may be stuck until the airports and roads are safe. If you can find a temporary office that has power, you can utilize this space until you get the all clear.


Working from home is great until your home is flooding from a storm. Floods happen without a hurricane sometimes and having A temp office that escaped the flooding will help lower the stress of having to worry about meeting business deadlines on top of the stresses caused by the flood.

No Electricity

After a storm, it takes weeks to get electricity back to the community. Remote workers can’t work without power. Researching before you need them will give you a list of businesses you can call to see if they have electricity after a storm hits.

A shared office is not the only place remote workers can go to work after a natural disaster, but it is an ideal setting. Going to a coffee shop will not have a printer or provide the privacy you may need to conduct business. If you can find a shared office solution in the cities you travel to or live in before you need them, you will have a great emergency plan. If you live locally in Daytona Beach, Florida, and have never seen the office of Work Webb, call us for a tour. We would like to be a part of your emergency plan.

Successful Remote Working

The internet has changed the landscape of the office environment. Remote working is more common today due to the technological advances made possible with the web than ever before. But can this relationship work between employer and remote employee without the traditional office environment? Do companies feel confident their remote employees are doing their jobs consistently? In reading up on this topic and talking to several remote employees, several key factors come up consistently when the remote working is well, working.


A system for communication on a regular basis without adding steps to accomplishing work is key to making a remote working arraignment successful.  While management discussion always matters significantly, it’s even more critical that remote managers stay in frequent contact to ensure management knows what’s being worked on and the progress being made with remote employees. The perception is if communication is not happening between management and employee, work is not being done. But how to do to this without creating more work in a remote working arraignment can be a challenge. A regular schedule of Skype calls or utilizing the Slack platform for projects can help communication flow seamlessly on projects without adding to the workload or having to shift through long email chains to get a status of performance.

Clearly Defined Goals

Management must establish expectations that might normally develop over time in a tradition office when hiring remote employees. A remote worker will also not have the opportunity to get the “feel” of the personality of the office. Something as simple as not knowing a coworker does not like morning meetings can cause conflict. Measurable goals combined with a clear understanding of the workload and office politics are crucial for this arraignment to be productive.

Schedules are Key

Having flexibility is not a free pass to work whenever and not be available for updates. It is the remote employee’s responsibility to keep management informed of when they are and are not available. A mutually agreed upon schedule between all parties is the best way to organization remote working.

There are many dynamics of a traditional office, and there three tips are just my findings.  Your situation may include more or less, and not all jobs can have a remote working position. Remote working grown %115 since 2005, is expected to continually grow over the next few years according to this information from Latest Telecommuting Statistics. If you are a remote worker and have some advice not included in this post, please comment your suggestions. Every situation and job are unique, and others could benefit from your experience.

Challenges of Working from Home in the Summer

Working from Home in the Summer

It’s summer and the kids are out of school.  Working from home during the summer can present a challenge. If this is your first summer working from home, you may not know what to expect for the next three months.  Let me enlighten you on what I have heard from clients that I only see here at Work Webb during the summer months.

Interruptions Are Constant

Older children that handled being home alone while you worked in a traditional office last summer will completely regress to needy toddlers now that you are working from home.   They will not be able to find anything, do anything without asking you for help.  Why you ask?  Because they know you are there to help them and answer their questions.  You will stop work to find the TV remote, Play Station controller and any number of meaningless tasks your children just can’t seem to do without you.

Family Visits

Now that you no longer have a traditional job, your extended family may think they can come to visit for extended stays.  Honestly, if they catch you off guard you may not have a quick answer as to why they can’t come for a visit.  Then you are stuck with family coming especially if you live in a desired area like Florida. Your office may be lost to your teenage nephew that likes to sleep the morning away and – POOF – there goes your productivity.  In addition, if you are a good host, your in-laws might expect home cooked meals every night because after all you are home.  Don’t’ forget since you are home, odds are you still do laundry, etc., so these tasks just doubled for you. All that does is eat up precious hours that should be used to get your work done.

Parental Guilt

Since you ARE working from home and this is your first summer with the kids, you might feel compelled to be the super parent.  Trips to bowling alley, movies or to the beach may eat up your daylight hours which means you will burn the midnight oil or get up with the birds to get your work completed.  In short – you will work twice as hard the next few months.  Trust me.

Taxi Services

A common complaint I hear from my summer clients is they become a taxi service for the children and their children’s friends.  After all you are home – and your children will volunteer your services without asking.  Your productivity and gas tank will bottom out fast.

Avoid these pitfalls of summer by finding a shared office solution near you.  If you are close to the Daytona Beach or Melbourne, Florida area, visit Work Webb’s website to see what we can offer you besides a quiet place to work.

More from Work Webb: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – The Water Cooler

Updated: 3/29/21

3 Ways Renting Full or Part Time at a Shared Office Space Can Save You Money and a Whole Lot of Stress

Increase Your Profit and Decrease Your Stress: Rent or Lease a Full or Part Time, Fully Furnished, Private, Semi-Private, or Shared Co-Working Office in Your Area

Renting or leasing an office is expensive: There’s first and last month’s rent; you’ll have to buy office equipment and furniture; supplies, a printer, fax (do people use those anymore?), copy paper, coffee, water bottles, snacks, tissues, toilet paper – the list could go on and on. What gives?

How can you get your business off the ground when all of your start-up money is going to filing cabinets, Internet hookups, and that dreaded cartridge of ink that’s worth its weight in gold? Well, there’s an affordable office rental solution which is trending that can take care of all those things for you. Renting or leasing an office in a shared workplace atmosphere will benefit not only your business and profit, but your peace of mind as well.

Here are 3 ways you can save money (and a whole lot of time and energy) renting a shared workspace or a private or semi-private full or part time office space at a business incubator or co-working office with multiple office or meeting space rental options to suit your particular needs:


1. Renting an office costs much less when you choose to do your work in a co-working atmosphere or shared workspace.

We're lucky enough to call the offices of the historic Kress building in Daytona Beach, FL home.

We’re lucky enough to call the offices of the historic Kress building in Daytona Beach, FL home.


Renting or leasing a quality workspace in a quality area is expensive. Renting a full or part-time office in a shared work environment allows you to drastically cut the cost of a worthwhile office rental. You’ll also be surprised by the benefits that come along with the natural networking you’ll engage in amongst other businesses and professionals that also have an office in your building or on your floor. Remember that a shared office will have real estate in “choice” areas of your city or a main downtown area that you otherwise may not be able to afford office space in on your own. Say goodbye to the days of giving sketchy or confusing directions to your clients, no more ruining your business reputation with coffee shop meetings, you can now afford an office in the most notable buildings in your area provided they have a shared workspace.


 2. You don’t have to worry about buying a bunch of office furniture.

Fully furnished means exactly that. From waiting areas, to meeting rooms, chairs and desks: shared workspaces have it all.

Fully furnished means exactly that: From waiting areas, to meeting rooms, chairs and desks: shared workspaces have it all.


A fully furnished office rental is a guarantee when you rent office space in a shared workplace or business incubator. When you rent or lease your own office by yourself, the costs of the deposit and rent are just the beginning. Then you have to worry about finding an office chair, work desk, supplies, filing cabinets, wall art, plants (you really should keep live plants in your office), decorations, soap, a coat or umbrella rack (we live in Florida after all), a trash can or two, toilet paper, water, the list goes on…


3. Coffee, snacks, supplies, paper, and even free meeting and conference room rentals at a shared office environment give you everything you need for even your busiest workday – saving you time and money.

Why spend time and money stocking up your office snack area when someone could do it for you?

Why spend time and money stocking up your office snack area when someone could do it for you? Workplace win!


Any virtual, remote, or shared workspace will have the proper office supplies you need to keep your workday running smoothly – whether it’s that extra cup of coffee, a hit of protein or sugar to keep you going, a professional meeting space or presentation area to impress your clients and colleagues, or a printer, copy, fax machine to get your documents in order and professionally delivered.


Bonus! When you rent a place of work in a happening part of town, the rates are lower at a shared office space, and you get all the amenities and benefits of working in an office on a main street or in a busy section of town (way better than renting an office off of the beaten path!). You’ll really dig the after-work outings and office lunch break options that you get when you rent a workspace in a happening area of your city.


Many businesses and professional tenants are benefiting from shared office solutions. Visit Work Webb on Facebook, Twitter or Google+ for more office tips and workplace advice.


Need an Affordable Office for Rent? Consider Work Webb Shared Office Solutions in Daytona Beach, FL 

Renting or leasing a shared office space can save you money and provide you with opportunities to grow your business. If you live or work in or near Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach, Port Orange, DeLand, or the surrounding areas of Volusia or Flagler counties, contact Work Webb at the Historic Kress Building on Beach Street in Daytona Beach to schedule a tour of our private, semi-private, or shared office spaces, conference, or meeting rooms.

Here are the 3 Things Every Office MUST Have

If You’re Lacking These Office Essentials – You’d Better Make Some Changes in Your Workplace, Stat

There are 3 basic items every office or workspace needs (besides a working coffee machine, a water source, and functional bathrooms). If you, your company, office manager, or your boss don’t have these 3 essential office ingredients in your place of work, you’d better get on it and complete your surroundings with this vital list of office necessities. Your mood and work productivity will surely improve when you set the stage properly at the office with the following items, drumroll please… (more…)

Professionals Take Note: Holding a Business Meeting in a Coffee Shop Will Screw Up Your Game Plan (and Your Profit)

Turns Out Coffee Shop Meetings Can Hurt Your Business. Here’s How…

OK, this is a unique PSA, but here goes: Are coffee shops hurting your business? 

If you sometimes hold meetings in a public place, like your area coffee shop or café rather than an office or meeting room environment – this blog post (or warning, I should say) is for you… (more…)

Get to the Office on Time: 11 “Getting Ready” Hacks That Will Change Your Life

These Genius “Getting Ready For Work” Hacks Will Help You Make it to the Office (or Anywhere) On Time

Having trouble getting to the office – or anywhere – on time? These “getting ready” hacks will help simplify your morning routine so that you can make it to the office on time, looking and feeling your best: (more…)

3 Office Etiquette Mistakes You’re Making

You’ve Been Warned: Stay Clear of Committing Any of These 3 Office Etiquette Mistakes

If there are three big mistakes nearly all 9-5ers make, these have got to be the top office etiquette missteps most are guilty of. The sad part is, most people think they are actually making a good decision when they commit one of these office blunders.

Take a look and change your ways if you’re guilty of committing one of these cardinal office sins:


4 Simple Things That Have a Serious Impact on Your Work Productivity at the Office

Believe it or Not, These 4 Simple Things Actually Have an Impact on How Much You Get Done at the Office.

In today’s busy workplace, it’s easy to forget a very simple, very important truth: That your brain, like the other organs in your body, is a muscle.While it may not do the physical pushing and pulling of your arms or legs, it’s just as important to respect your brain for what it is, and give it a rest when necessary. (more…)

The Many Ways Having a P.O. Box or No Address at All Can Hurt Your Business

The Importance of Having a REAL Physical Address on Your Business Website–Rather Than a P.O. Box or Nothing at All–Cannot Be Overstated

If you’re an entrepreneur, small business owner or someone that works out of a home office (or  remotely) – listen up!

Not having a physical address on your website could really be hurting your business; and no, a post office box won’t do you any good either. (more…)

Top 3 Habits to Combat the Health Woes of Office Life

Making These Simple Changes in Your Daily Office Routine Can Make a Difference

We’ve all heard that the 9-5 office routine does a number on our health.

Sitting has been called, “the new smoking” by NBC News – but unlike the act of smoking, many of us office-folk don’t really have a choice in the matter.

Even If You Work Out You’re Screwed… Turns out even the brave, healthy souls that incorporate morning or evening workouts into their workday are still at risk. Research shows that sitting for hours a day cuts your life expectancy, even if you’re just sitting an average of 3 hours at a time per day.

This post includes 3 essential habits to combating the “death by office” phenomenon.  (more…)

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What Our Clients Say

Todd B

Work Webb provides a great service. It’s quick and easy to book a conference room and it’s very clean. The location is great as it’s next to some excellent restaurants to grab lunch at. The staff is friendly and helpful. Thank you!

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Daytona Beach

All Aboard Building . 210 South Beach Street . Suite 202 . Daytona Beach, FL 32114

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Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 6:00pm
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Site by Diana Nichols.