Daytona Beach, Florida

(386) 506-8022

Working with Distractions From Home

distractions from work

Working from home is interesting. The distractions can be overwhelming, and while some people just are not cut out to work remotely because of the COVID pandemic, that option may have been taken away from you. But how can you maintain your best productivity?

If you’re used to working in an office full of that noisy buzz working from home may feel a little quiet — too quiet, and if we are honest…a little depressing! Music and Podcasts to stay focused when you work may be an answer. If you are working at home with a significant other in the same situation or children who are remote learning, you may need a pair of headphones to ensure your concentration stays on your work.

To get a little scientific, studies have concluded that people who listen to music while working on repetitive tasks can perform the task faster while making fewer mistakes. This is because listening to music triggers the release of certain neurotransmitters that make you feel relaxed and happy: dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. This may be the answer to keep your spirits up and your attention focused because the feel-good neurotransmitters improve your overall mood and give you more patience making for a better workday. This is also true when these tasks are challenging. If you are comfortable in motion, but the stakes are high, then music can help relieve additional pressures that might compromise the performance at hand. (Think, surgeons in surgery.)

One of the great things of controlling your at-home environment is that you have the power to put in place of what makes you happy in your space. So light that candle or turn on the diffuser, put on your favorite Pandora station in your headphones, and see your work life from home improve, maybe even thrive! The small things can make a big difference. 

Work Webb

How To Motivate Your Teams When Working Remotely

Working Remotely

As a manager, a lot of what you have learned doesn’t necessarily come from any books; it is based on hands-on experience. Even with that in mind, we find ourselves in unprecedented times managing our staff during a pandemic. While there is no guide or handbook on how to do this effectively, you will need to create a process for everyone to succeed personally and professionally. You may be wondering how to motivate your teams when working remotely. Here are some ways that have been proven to be successful.

Define clear expectations and establish ground rules.

Use Asana, Trello, or some system, so every employee knows exactly what is expected of them, and what deliverables are needed from them. Setting specific times for assignments ie for the next day, week, and month improves productivity. Many individuals thrive when they are given a deadline. Deadlines prevent the possibility of procrastinating assignments and projects. Continuing, ensure your staff has a clear understanding of all the projects they are ultimately responsible for and where to go when they need assistance.

Check with your staff regularly! At the early stages of a new project or client, checking in lets them know you are supportive of their success. Knowing they are being supported and you can provide guidance and/or extra assistance puts their mind at ease. 

Create a social space for a team to get to know each other. 

Losing the “watercooler” atmosphere that only an in-person work environment can produce can significantly decrease work satisfaction. Factor in 5-10 minutes at the start of your team meetings and ask people how they are. You may also encourage staff to collaborate with their colleagues. Collaboration on projects improves the working relationships of the staff.

Be flexible about working hours. 

Working remotely can be married pretty well with flexible working. 

A study from Stanford University shows, staff who set their working hours were found to work longer and be happier about their work. Six months ago, this would seem to be an impossible task to pull off, but here we are. If it is possible, consider offering some flexibility if the work gets done regardless.

Work Webb

The Best Lighting Will Improve Productivity

best lighting

If you have been working remotely for a couple of months, some routine has set in with hope and luck. Maybe you realized that using the couch in a half horizontal position may not be the most productive way to manage your Zoom calls, and a setup somewhere in your house makes more sense. Now that you have your space let’s talk about the importance of installing the best lighting for your workspace. Before you needed a dedicated place to work, your house was lit for…well your house. Without proper workspace lighting, you’re more likely to experience eye strain, tiredness and even headaches. Plus, the best lighting makes a big difference in productivity, energy and overall mood. Here are some suggestions:


Natural light is way easier (and the best lighting) on your eyes. If you’ve got a great view with little distractions, consider putting your desk right under the window. A space with a view will send your productivity full force in motion.

Old School Task Lights 

Whether it is a clip-on or a freestanding task light and desk lamps that have a flexible arm are great since you can adjust their height and angle to suit the task at hand. But if you use only this kind of selective lighting, you may acquire eyestrain quickly.

Bring in the Ambience

Eye strain is a serious problem, one that happens from intense use of your eyes–like staring at a computer monitor for eight long hours. Adding a little ambient light into the mix will help soften the harsh light that can come from just overhead or task lighting. By ambient lighting, we certainly do not mean to make it romantic…but do some research on the different light bulbs on the market like LED and softer wattage that will eliminate eye strain and give you extra relief on long busy days.


Sanitary Measures for Extraordinary Times.

Sanitary Measures

As many are starting to return physically to work, here are some guidelines and rules of thumb for your workplace sanitary measures.

Don’t wait.

Workplaces and spaces should be taking extra precautions now, not when illness strikes. The CDC recommends that employers implement sanitary measures and start doing these things now, as these measures can reduce working days lost due to sickness and stop or slow the spread of COVID-19 if it arrives at one of your workplaces.

Establish a cleaning routine.

Regularly, make sure to clean all frequently touched surfaces. This includes keyboards, remote controls, desks, countertops, and doorknobs. Using a disinfectant by its instructions will be the easiest way to ensure that the surface is cleaned effectively. See EPA’s 6 steps for Safe and Effective Disinfectant Use.

Be incredibly clear of the expectations of your employees and customers.

Transparency of your expectations when it comes to safety and sanitation is going to be imperative when you are back in some sort of open capacity. Make sure signage is prevalent of what you expect…masks? No masks? Six feet spacing signs are being sold everywhere; they can also be custom designed. Be sure to have sanitizer stations everywhere that make sense, at the very least, at the front when your customers or employees come in and at the register if applicable.

Have a sense of patience.

Remember, this is unchartered territory for absolutely everyone. Tensions are high, fear is present, and the ability to conduct business safely and sanitary lays in your hands.

Working from Home Without Losing Your Mind.

working from home











While it has been said that working from home takes a special person, in this climate, the choice to work from home or not may have been taken away from you. We hear so much about pivoting and the new normal, but now that it has been a couple of months that has brought nothing but Ch ch ch changes, it is time to check in with you and your sanity. 

How are you adjusting? Here are a couple of tips!

Make a schedule, set your boundaries and plan for breaks each and every day.

Now more than ever, having a plan each day makes a difference in productivity. One of our favorite methods is the Pomodoro Technique. This helps you focus on working for a specific amount of time and then take a break. Use Pomodoro to work work work and then tale a break. You can use the Pomodoro Technique, in which you alternate 25-minute work sessions with 5-minute breaks, or set whatever intervals make sense for you. There is a start and a stop timer that keeps you on track.

Don’t let friends and family take advantage of your new status.

This is a big one. Mom will still call to see how you are doing, and your five-minute check-ins at the office will somehow mysteriously evolve into longer call times because of course, you are at home, are you really working? Silence your phone and try only to answer as if you were truly in an office setting. It may be hard for them to understand that your time is still not yours even if you are at home while working, but setting boundaries is most important.

Every day be sure to get some fresh air, dance it out, take a break! Promise this works!

More from the Water Cooler Here!


Three Ways to Reduce Overhead Expenses

reduce overhead expenses

Deciding to reduce overhead expenses can be difficult. Many employees are working from home at least a couple of days a week. Remote teams are commonplace, and entire departments have been downsized because of new efficiencies, technological advances, and outsourcing. If this sounds like your company and you find yourself looking at a lot of empty desks every day, it might be a great time to think about where you can reduce your overhead expenses.

Work from Home or a Shared Office Solution

When employees have options on where to work, they tend to be happier – and more productive. In addition to improved work-life balance, they don’t have the commute to deal with, so they can dive right in and get to work right away. Productivity improves, workers are happier, and you don’t have to finance an empty workstation and parking space. Giving employees the option of working from home or using a shared office solution, like Work Webb, can drastically reduce your business expenses while making the employees happier and more productive.

 Managed services

Companies no longer need a full-time IT department because most data is now stored in the cloud. This eliminates the need for on-premise servers and all the costly upkeep that goes with it. What used to require a team of high-paid technicians, on-call 24/7, can now be managed virtually—and more efficiently—at a fraction of the cost.

Document management systems

If you’re ready to ditch the paper, a document management system (DMS) is the way to go. A DMS manages your filing systems digitally and is far more secure and foolproof than a conventional filing system. Documents in a DMS are searchable and can be protected by permissions, ensuring that the appropriate personnel can only access them. There are no more lost files, no more filing cabinets, and no need for a separate room to house it all.

If you are considering a shared office solution for your business, visit our website here. Work Webb has two convenient locations, Daytona Beach and Melbourne, Florida, and has a variety of options to suit most needs. Call us today to schedule a tour at one of our locations.

When Loved Ones Join You in Working from Home

working from home


When working from home or in a co-working space, there is a fair amount of adjustment to this new lifestyle. No time clocks to punch, no pants to necessarily wear, etc.. but what happens amid COVID19 when you now have a new coworker also known to you as your partner or spouse? Here are some tips to succeed at working from home with your spouse or partner:


 1. Arrange separate workspaces, preferably on different levels or areas of your home.

If you work for different companies and you don’t rely on each other’s work, prepare individual home offices in various areas of your home. This separation will ensure that you each have defined areas to concentrate on work.  


 2. Create individual office hours and respect them.

Decide what your joint workday/hours are and stick to them. The fewer interruptions you both have, the more likely you are to finish your workday on time. Should you both be juggling home, work, and children, consider interchanging your work hours, so there’s more coverage for chores and child care.


3. Avoid disturbing each other with non-work issues.

Just like you wouldn’t call your partner for every little thing during a workday, consider separating or discussing personal matters at only an established portion of the day. This habit will allow each of you to make the essential time for giving the other their devoted attention to any personal or non-work discussion without taking too much time out of the workday.


4. Focus on the upsides

Probably a weird thing to say, especially in this climate, but once you get into this new groove, there a couple of positive you can focus on. This new schedule is a unique opportunity to spend time with your partner or kids in a way you don’t usually get to do. It can also be quite fascinating to see your partner work, which is a side of them you probably don’t get to see.


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Five Ways to Improve Your Home Office

home office

Is your home prepared for you to work from a home office 40 hours a week? When you consider working from home, the space that you will occupy should be one of your first considerations. Making sure that you have a home office designed for functionality and efficiency is imperative for a successful career working from home. There are many ways to customize your office and make sure your working environment is perfect for you.

Here are five ways to improve your home office set-up:

Splurge on a Good Chair

The chair is the most overlooked piece of office furniture people need to work at home. Many people find themselves sitting in their chairs for hours at a time. In addition to incorporating Yoga into your workday, having a chair that fits your body correctly will have long-term benefits. There are many great ergonomic choices for office chairs. Preferences will vary, but the Herman Miller Aeron Office Chair remains the chair for any office.


It cannot be stressed enough how important a good backup is for a telecommuter. From passwords to sensitive material, all of your work must be secure and accessible if something were to happen to your primary computer. With options of both cloud and physical storage units, telecommuters should employ at least one of these storage options to ensure they do not lose important information.

A Clear View

Whether you are working on a laptop or a desktop system, it is essential to have a screen that has clear resolution and is adequately large enough for the work you are performing. Many people work on multiple screens to ensure they can multitask and work efficiently. Being able to view numerous tabs simultaneously can make communicating with coworkers and working on projects a breeze.

Purchase a Headset

If you will be using your phone for any length of time from home, it is an excellent investment to have a headset that will allow you to type and talk at the same time. By not crimping your neck to the side for conference calls, work meetings, or talking with clients, a headset can make the difference between good and lousy office posture. There are great options for wired and wireless options and Bluetooth headsets at most major retailers.

Universal Power Source

What happens when you experience a power outage in the middle of a project? For many workers, it will destroy at least the project they were working on, and for others, it will ruin their computer. By investing in a universal power source, you can prevent brownouts from impacting your computer. With enough power to save your information and properly shut down your computer, a universal power source is an excellent investment for anyone working from home.

Personalizing your home office can be great fun, and having the independence to design your area is a huge benefit of working from home. You can surround yourself with the items and aesthetics that make you feel efficient and comfortable.


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Office Supplies Typically Provided to Remote Workers

What Office Supplies Employers Typically Provide to Remote Workers

If you’re curious about remote work, or ready to start a new remote job very soon, you may wonder about your office supplies. When you work in a traditional office space, your computer and all your supplies are typically provided to you right from the start. When you work from home, it can vary from employer to employer how your office equipment is supplied.

To help you out, we’re going over four of the most common office supplies typically provided to remote workers.


Providing an allowance for technology is one option for remote worker office supplies. They allow employees a certain amount of money per quarter or per year to spend on whatever technology and equipment they may need to work remotely (think computers, wireless keyboards, and mice, computer chargers, printers, laptop stands, office chairs, monitors, etc.). Employees typically purchase the items themselves and submit receipts to their company for reimbursement.


BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device. In this situation, employees do just that—they use their own computers and supplies for work. The benefit of this option is also that employees can use whatever devices they are most comfortable with, eliminating any learning curve if they’re familiar with PC, but the company wants them to use a Mac, for example.

Computer Only

Some employers supply just a computer to remote employees. In this situation, the computer is typically company property and has to be returned when an employee leaves the company. Sometimes companies have specific software programs that employees need to use, and having everyone on the same computer operating system can help. If employees need to access a company Intranet, it can be easier for the IT department to set this up on a company computer. Or perhaps the employer wants to have time tracking software installed on the computer as well.

A Complete Office

Some companies will provide everything a remote employee needs. They may send a computer, smartphone, printer, and more, depending on the needs of the job. This option usually helps companies feel secure knowing their remote worker has everything they need in their home office to perform the duties of their job successfully. Just like the previous scenario, this allows companies to install any required software on employee computers as well, ensuring employees are set up correctly from day one.

If you’re beginning your remote work journey, be sure you know the requirements of your employer. The interview process is a great time to ask how your potential company handles remote worker office supplies. That way, you’ll be ready and prepared to be a star employee from the start.


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Staying Motivated and Sane while being Self-Employed

motivated self-employed

Being self-employed sounds like The American Dream, but believe it or not, it isn’t for everyone! When you are responsible for your accountability, it takes the right amount of focus, dedication, and adhering to schedule to keep your attention span in check. While the benefits of YOU being the man (or the woman) is plentiful, here are some tips to keep you productive and on track.


Use Cloud Services

If you lose your backpack, or your computer dies on you, you need to reboot from another device and still access all of your work. There are so many cloud-based tools that let you access your documents, images, project management platforms, CRM, invoices, and more. Some of the most commonly-used cloud-based tools are Google Suite, which includes Gmail, Drive for documents and spreadsheets, Slides, and more; Dropbox for storing and sharing images and materials; and Evernote. It is crucial to find which tools work for you, use them, and rest easy knowing you can access your work from wherever you are and whatever device you’re on.


Use a Timer and a System that works for you

One of our favorite productivity systems includes the Pomodoro Technique, where you work in 25-minute bursts. This popular time-management method can help you power through distractions, hyper-focus, and get things done in short bursts while taking frequent breaks to come up for air and relax. 


Find a Coworking Space

One of the best productivity tips we can give is to find a coworking space as your “home office.”  You are prone to discover that you’re more productive in this environment than a coffee shop because you can put your head down and get some dedicated work done.  

Time for Spring Cleaning (Your Office)

Time for Spring Cleaning (Your Office)

Isn’t there something about Spring that makes us want to beat the chaos and start anew? And that doesn’t just mean our homes and outdoor space — it means our businesses too! We have made it through the time change, and now Spring, followed by a nice hot Florida summer is just around the corner. It’s time to Spring Forward and do a little Spring cleaning in your professional life.

Now we don’t mean cleaning literally…actually, we take that back. Take a second to disinfect your workspace. Clean your laptop screen and the keyboard. And your cell phone. Germs are everywhere. We suggest wiping these items down once a week.

An easy way to keep your actual workspace clear? The things you use consistently should be within the radius of your arms. No matter, if you are at our shared workspace, or at home-this, can include your monitor and keyboard, telephone, two pens, one notebook, etc. Supplies and paperwork should be kept in the zones you’ve established for them.

Some experts say most of us treat our email inbox like a to-do list, which adds to the stress of any profession and any successful workflow. Attempt a namaste spring clean by organizing your inbox with folders or task functions that will increase your work productivity.

With a freshly organized inbox, make appointments with yourself at least once a quarter to clean out those folders. And now that your inbox is sparkling how about digging into your other folders – especially those on shared drives like Dropbox or Google Drive?

In your professional life, sometimes a spring clean doesn’t mean breaking out the vacuum or Windex, it means taking stock of what’s working well and what’s not, and getting yourself mentally revived after a long winter.

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Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Co-Working Space

If you work from home, you are aware of the lonely feelings that can overcome the home office employee.  The coffee shop may seem a great way to get out of the house, but there is another option that can offer you more than just a different view. Co-working spaces usually charge a daily, weekly, or monthly fee for workspaces and amenities and finding the right one for you and your business can be a challenge.

To make sure you choose the right one, ask yourself these questions while shopping for a co-working space to suit your needs:

  1. Can I Visit? – Just like any office environment, each has their own vibe, and you need to make sure you find the right one for you and your business. Visit the space before you commit to it, and if they do not allow visits – cross them off your list.
  2. Who are the current tenants? – If you are looking for a space that has tenants that can help you in your business and career you need to see the tenant list to pick the right place.
  3. Is there a Trial period? – Ask if you can work in the space for a day to see if it fits your needs. If you need quiet time to work, you want to make sure the area you choose can accommodate your needs.
  4. What Amenities are offered? Most spaces provide Wi-Fi, kitchens, snacks, etc. Ask what the office offers and be honest with yourself if paying for your own coffee will eventually drive you nuts.
  5. What are the working hours? This is an essential question to ask, if not the most important. If you do not hold regular 8 – 5 hours, you need to know what type of access you will have to this space. If it does not fit your needs, the area is not for you.
  6. How Long Is the Commute? You are used to working from home and let’s face it the commute from the kitchen to your office is a short one. Before you commit to a co-working space, make sure the drive from your home to the office is not one you will come to despise.
  7. How long is the contract? Find out how flexible this contract is for the space you are considering. Most co-working spaces offer lots of options. Make sure they have an option to fit your needs.
  8. How much space do you need? Depending on how long you have worked from home, alone, being right next to someone might be a bit much for you to be productive. Be honest with yourself about the type of space you need to stay productive and make sure the co-working space you choose has an option to fit this need.

Work Webb is a co-working or shared office solution located in Historic Downtown Daytona Beach, Florida and has lots of options to choose from for its tenants.  If you live in the area and are considering utilizing a shared office solution, call us for a tour and feel free to ask all the questions you need.  We like our tenants happy.

How to Choose the Correct Shared Office Solution

Starting a business is scary but finding a shared office solution to fit your business needs should not be. Utilizing a shared office solution for your small business and not a traditional office space with all the usual headaches is smart and can lower your startup costs. Not every office solution will provide what your business needs to portray the professional look you desire. Here are the most important things to look for when shopping around for a shared office solution for your business:


Does it have the right options to fit your business needs? Do you want a private office or a co-working space? Do you need a dedicated desk or will you share? What type of payment plans are there? Do they fit your budget or will you be paying for more office time that you need? When shopping around for a shared office solutions for your business, these are the types of questions you need to ask yourself. Work Webb tries to have an option to fit most business needs. Visit this link to see how we break down our different packages and al la carte add on features.

Professionally Decorated


Is the office professionally decorated? It must be said – an office needs to be pleasing to the eye, decorated nicely, and have nice, comfortable furniture. The first impression of the office space should convey the environment that meshes with your business. If the shared office solution company does not care to provide a clean, professional and comfortable environment for its clients, it may be a sign that this will not be a good fit for your business.


Great Locationview from kress

Is it a great location? Having an office means meeting clients and clients get hungry. The office
needs to be near some quality restaurants. In addition, it can’t be in the bad part of town. A benefit of using a shared office solutions is upscaling your office at a low cost. Get a view from your shared office, clients are impressed with views. Have restaurants nearby and have convenient parking.

Office Staff

Is there an office staff on site? A receptionist greeting clients and answering the phone is a great first impression for any business. A reputable shared office solution company will provide some office staff to give this professional polish every business can benefit from.
Shared office solutions are becoming increasingly popular because of the many benefits to businesses large and small. Do your research to make sure you pick the right fit for your business. If you live or plan on visiting the Daytona Beach, Florida area and are in the market for shared office services, please visit our website here for more information and schedule a tour.

Revolution of the Traditional Office

The traditional office is in the middle of a revolution.  I have read several articles lately questioning the conventional office environment, its hours and work performance.  It seems that society is asking questions like, “is it really necessary to sit in an office from 9 to 5 to do my job?” This traditional 9 to 5 environment sometimes creates less productive, unhealthy and unhappy employees. Employees that are unhappy are not optimal for any business. Some businesses are re-evaluating the traditional office environment and researching if remote working can fit their particular industry.  The traditional office seems to be going through a revolution and may go the way of the pager, fax machine & home phone. Here are three reasons I think society will ditch the traditional office environment and a combination of shared office solutions and collaborative work spaces will be the next big thing.

  • Technology. Technology is the reason the work world is very different today.  It has created jobs that did not exist a few years back.  Technology along with the internet has connected the home office to the traditional office.  The restrictive and dated definition of going to the same office every day from 9 to 5 does not work for every industry in today’s world.  Technology has made this change and it is the reason collaborative work space and shared office solutions are a growing trend.
  • Reduced Overhead Costs.   Businesses using collaborative work spaces do not have to pay to maintain a typical office which significantly reduces overhead costs.  No building to own or rent, maintain, insure, clean, furnish add up to huge savings for businesses.  Employers can have the best of both words by renting office space just for the time a traditional office setting is needed.  These types of shared office solution companies are becoming more commonplace.
  • Improved Attendance and Retention. Remote employees have more control of their schedules freeing them up for other important activities.  Having more freedom can make individuals happier in their employment.  Happy employees get sick and call in less often.  Honestly, who has not called in just because they didn’t want to get out of their PJs?  Working remotely provides employees the option of staying in their PJS and still getting the job done. Employers will save money on sick days and have a lower turnover rate in their company. Happy employees do not leave. Everyone wins.

There is no downside to revolutionizing the traditional office. Quite frankly, it’s about time.  Having control of your schedule reduces stress and starts the process of being a happier worker. Work Webb may be the local missing piece to finding a better working environment. Work Webb provides big city shared office solutions in historic downtown Daytona Beach. Call today to schedule and tour and visit our web site here for pricing.

Coworking Works at Work Webb: Work in a collaborative area or select from our private or semi-private offices for rent.

Here are the 3 Things Every Office MUST Have

If You’re Lacking These Office Essentials – You’d Better Make Some Changes in Your Workplace, Stat

There are 3 basic items every office or workspace needs (besides a working coffee machine, a water source, and functional bathrooms). If you, your company, office manager, or your boss don’t have these 3 essential office ingredients in your place of work, you’d better get on it and complete your surroundings with this vital list of office necessities. Your mood and work productivity will surely improve when you set the stage properly at the office with the following items, drumroll please… (more…)

Professionals Take Note: Holding a Business Meeting in a Coffee Shop Will Screw Up Your Game Plan (and Your Profit)

Turns Out Coffee Shop Meetings Can Hurt Your Business. Here’s How…

OK, this is a unique PSA, but here goes: Are coffee shops hurting your business? 

If you sometimes hold meetings in a public place, like your area coffee shop or café rather than an office or meeting room environment – this blog post (or warning, I should say) is for you… (more…)

4 Simple Things That Have a Serious Impact on Your Work Productivity at the Office

Believe it or Not, These 4 Simple Things Actually Have an Impact on How Much You Get Done at the Office.

In today’s busy workplace, it’s easy to forget a very simple, very important truth: That your brain, like the other organs in your body, is a muscle.While it may not do the physical pushing and pulling of your arms or legs, it’s just as important to respect your brain for what it is, and give it a rest when necessary. (more…)

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What Our Clients Say

Michael George

I have been going to Work Webb for a few years now when on vacation and need to get some work done. The place is awesome. Great location, affordable, clean, quiet, nice people and very accommodating. Fast internet, free close parking. You can bring your lunch and put it in the fridge, or you can get a quick tasty lunch at numerous places in a 2 minute walk. I’ve visited other shared work spaces and this by far the best.

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Daytona Beach

W.H. Gardiner Building . 210 South Beach Street . Suite 202 . Daytona Beach, FL 32114

Phone: (386) 506-8022 . Fax: (866) 365-7793 . E-mail:

Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 6:00pm
Friday – 8:30 am – 12:30 pm

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Site by Diana Nichols.